Refund and Returns Policy

For Cancel:

  • You can cancel an order within the 24hours of placing the order (The color of the products may vary slightly as per the customer’s screen resolution).
  • Will reflect any amount paid in your source account within 15 business days.

For Return:

  • Returns are accepted within 15 days.
  • The return will be processed in 15 days.
  • If the product is defective from the parcel, it will be replaced.
  • To be eligible for the return process, the item must be unopened, undamaged, and placed in the same package as the invoice and all tags.
  • All returns are verified at our warehouse for the confirmation process.
  • In case of size issues or wrong product selection from customers, return orders will collect shipping, service charge, and miscellaneous charge from customers. (Check the size guide before placing any order.)

For Refund:

  • After the verification process, the refund will be initialized from Metabo.
  • The refund takes 15 business days, and it will be reflected in their bank account.
  • The refund for digital payments like credit/debit card, UPI transactions, Net banking, etc… are reflected in their source account. 
  • For the refund for cash on delivery orders, customers must mail their particular Bank details to Metabo .

Need help?

Contact us at {email} for questions related to refunds and returns.